SACRAMENTO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION LAVENDER COURTYARD COMMUNITY ROOM 1616 F STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Wednesday, December 7, 2022 - 4:00 PM NOTICE TO PUBLIC In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), SHRA requests that individuals who require special accommodations access and participate in Commission meetings contact the Agency Clerk at 916-440-8544 or, at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting. Agenda materials are available for review online at If you need assistance with locating reports, contact the Agency Clerk. CALL TO ORDER 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Chair Gale Morgan Vice-Chair Emmanuel Amanfor Commissioner Stephanie Duncan Commissioner Melvin Griffin Commissioner Cecile Nunley Commissioner Jasmine Osmany Commissioner Andrés Ramos Commissioner Martin Ross Commissioner Staajabu Commissioner Samuel Starks Commissioner Darrel Woo PUBLIC COMMENT Persons wishing to address the Commission on subjects not on the agenda but within the jurisdiction of the Commission may do so at this time. The Commission cannot discuss or take action on matters not on the agenda for this meeting. Members of the public with questions are encouraged to contact staff before or after the meeting. To speak on an agenda item, please fill out a comment card and give it to the Agency Clerk. Speakers are limited to three minutes per item. CONSENT ITEMS All matters listed on consent are to be approved by one motion unless a Commissioner or the public requests that separate action is taken on a specific item.    1. Approval of Commission Minutes for November 16, 2022 Recommendation: Approve minutes by minute action. Contact: Amber Alexander, Agency Clerk, (916) 440-8544,    2. Resolution of the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission Authorizing Public Meetings to be Held via Teleconference Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(E) and Making Findings and Determinations Regarding the Same Recommendation: Adopt resolution. Contact: Amber Alexander, Agency Clerk, (916) 440-8544, PRESENTATION    3. Family Self Sufficiency Presentation Recommendation: Receive presentation. Contact: Sarah O'Daniel, Deputy Executive Director, (916) 440-1319, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT ITEMS AND QUESTIONS OF COMMISSIONERS ADJOURN I,  Amber Alexander, Agency Clerk do hereby certify that I have caused a true copy of the above notice to be delivered to each of the members of the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission, at the time and in the manner prescribed by law and that this notice was posted at 1616 F Street, Sacramento, California on December 1, 2022.