MINUTES Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission (SHRC) Special Meeting February 2, 2022 Meeting noticed on January 28, 2022 ROLL CALL The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Chair Morgan. Note that the meeting was held via teleconference following the Governor’s executive order during the coronavirus pandemic. MEMBERS PRESENT: Amanfor, Boyd, Morgan, Nunley, Ross, Staajabu, Osmany, Starks, Woo MEMBERS ABSENT: Griffin (one vacancy) STAFF PRESENT: La Shelle Dozier, Brad Nakano, Susana Jackson, Christine Weichert, Sarah O’Daniel, James Shields, Celia Yniguez, Peter Masih, Ernie Monroe, Vickie Smith APPROVAL OF AGENDA The Agenda was approved as submitted. The Chair announced that items 4 and 5 would be heard together. CITIZENS COMMENTS Three citizen’s comments were read into the record. All three asked that their names not be read in to the record. The comments were 1. How to apply for Mirasol Village - The Clerk announced that this inquiry had been forwarded to the appropriate staff for follow up. 2. Income calculation policies related to receiving a lump sum- The Clerk announced that this inquiry had been forwarded to the appropriate staff for follow up. 3. Suspected fraud in the Shelter + Care program. The Clerk announced that this inquiry had been forwarded to the appropriate staff for follow up. Commissioner Ross asked if the Clerk could confirm in the minutes that items presented during public comment had been followed up by staff. Brad Nakano, SHRA General Counsel, indicated that staff would look back at the discussion that occurred a few months ago related to this. Chair Morgan indicated that he recalled that the Clerk was going to note in the minutes to confirm follow up had occurred. Staff indicated they would report back at the next meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 19, 2022 minutes were approved as amended with a comment from Commissioner Ross. BUSINESS 1. Authority To Execute 18-Month Conditional Loan Commitment With Urban Housing Communities In The Amount Of $2 Million In HOME Investment Partnerships Program Funds For The New Construction Of Crossing At Woodberry Way Affordable Housing Development Larry Jenkins presented the item. Commissioner Nunley motioned to approve the staff recommendation for the item listed above. Commissioner Woo seconded the motion. The votes were as follows: AYES: Amanfor, Boyd, Morgan, Nunley, Ross, Staajabu, Osmany, Starks, Woo NOES: None ABSENT: Griffin PRESENTATIONS 2. Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist Presentation Laila Darby presented the item. 3. Innovation Park Planned Unit Development - Mixed Income Housing Strategy Christine Weichert presented the item. 4. One-Year Action Plan Federal Programs Allocation Process Workshop Number One - City Report 5. One-Year Action Plan Federal Programs Allocation Process Workshop Number One - County Report Celia Yniguez presented the item. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT La Shelle Dozier announced the following: * Next meeting is March 2nd * Commissioner Schumacher-Hodge has resigned . COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT None. ITEMS AND QUESTIONS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Boyd asked if the resignation of Commissioner Schumacher-Hodge was due to the early start time for the Commission. Staff indicated that while this was a factor, she had also indicted that her workload and other priorities were preventing her from participating. . ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to be conducted, Chair Morgan adjourned the meeting at 5:15 pm. ___________________________ Clerk 1