MINUTES Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission (SHRC) Special Meeting of January 23, 2019 Meeting noticed on January 18, 2018 ROLL CALL The special meeting of the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Macedo. MEMBERS PRESENT: Alcalay, Griffin, Macedo, Morgan, Staajabu, Starks, Wedding MEMBERS ABSENT: Creswell, Johnson, Nunley (one vacancy) STAFF PRESENT: La Shelle Dozier, David Levin, Vickie Smith, Lira Goff, Jim Shields, Christine Weichert, LaTanna Jones, Sarah O’Daniel, Tyrone R. Williams, Susan Veazey, Bern Wikhammer, Susie Jackson, Vance Kelly, Louise Eller, Angela Jones APPROVAL OF AGENDA The Chair announced that items 1 and 2, 3 and 4, and 5 and 6 would be heard together. CITIZENS COMMENTS Robert Couglin, Jeff Tardiguilla, Elliot Stevenson, and Les Light provided comments. APPROVAL OF MINUTES December 6, 2018 minutes were approved as submitted. DISCUSSION/BUSINESS 1. Authorization for the Housing Authority to elect to become subject to the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting (Act) Procedures and Approval of Amended Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (Agency) Procurement Policy – City report 2. Authorization for the Housing Authority to elect to become subject to the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting (Act) Procedures and Approval of Amended Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (Agency) Procurement Policy – County report Vance Kelly presented the items. Commissioner Griffin motioned to approve the staff recommendation in the reports listed above. Commissioner Morgan seconded the motion. The votes were as follows: AYES: Alcalay, Griffin, Macedo, Morgan, Staajabu, Starks, Wedding NOES: None ABSENT: Creswell, Johnson, Nunley (one vacancy) ABSTAIN: None 3. Audit Services Contract for Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency – City report 4. Audit Services Contract for Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency – County report Susana Jackson presented the items. Commissioner Morgan motioned to approve the staff recommendation in the reports listed above. Commissioner Griffin seconded the motion. The votes were as follows: AYES: Alcalay, Griffin, Macedo, Morgan, Staajabu, Starks, Wedding NOES: None ABSENT: Creswell, Johnson, Nunley (one vacancy) ABSTAIN: None 5. Twin Rivers Transit Oriented Development and Light Rail Station – Application for Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Grant and Loan Commitment of Choice Neighborhoods Funds to Twin Rivers Phase 2 - City Report 6. Twin Rivers Transit Oriented Development and Light Rail Station Project: Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant Funds for Phase 2 Housing In Support Of an Affordable Housing and Sustainable Housing Grant Application Bern Wikhammer presented the items. Commissioner Alcalay motioned to approve the staff recommendation in the reports listed above. Commissioner Griffin seconded the motion. The votes were as follows: AYES: Alcalay, Griffin, Macedo, Morgan, Staajabu, Starks, Wedding NOES: None ABSENT: Creswell, Johnson, Nunley (one vacancy) ABSTAIN: None PRESENTATION 7. No Place Like Home Program Presentation Cindy Cavanaugh from Sacramento County presented the item. Robert Coughlin, Jefferey Tardiguilla and Les Light provided comments. DISCUSSION/BUSINESS 8. Approval of $1,300,000 Loan Commitment for Sunrise Pointe Louise Eller presented the item. Commissioner Morgan motioned to approve the staff recommendation in the reports listed above. Commissioner Griffin seconded the motion. The votes were as follows: AYES: Alcalay, Griffin, Macedo, Morgan, Staajabu, Starks, Wedding NOES: None ABSENT: Creswell, Johnson, Nunley (one vacancy) ABSTAIN: None 9. Election of SHRA Commission Chair and Vice-Chair for 2019 Chair Macedo asked for nominations for the position of Commission Chair for 2019. Commissioner Griffin nominated Commissioner Morgan. Commissioner Alcalay nominated himself. Commissioner Staajabu motioned to close nominations for Chair. Commissioner Griffin seconded the motion. The votes were as follows: AYES: Alcalay, Griffin, Macedo, Morgan, Staajabu, Starks, Wedding NOES: None ABSENT: Creswell, Johnson, Nunley (one vacancy) ABSTAIN: None Chair Macedo asked members to vote for either Commissioner Morgan or Commissioner Alcalay for Chair. By a 5-2 vote, Commissioner Morgan was elected chair for 2019. Voting results are outlined below. ALCALAY ALCALAY___________ MORGAN ______MORGAN_____ CRESWELL ABSENT_____________ NUNLEY ______ABSENT______ GRIFFIN MORGAN___________ STAAJABU ______MORGAN_____ JOHNSON ABSENT____________ STARKS ______MORGAN______ MACEDO ALCALAY_______ WEDDING ______MORGAN______ Chair Macedo asked for nominations for the position of Commission Vice-Chair for 2019. Commissioner Staajabu nominated Commissioner Griffin. Commissioner Alcalay nominated Commissioner Wedding. Commissioner Staajabu motioned to close nominations for Chair. Commissioner Griffin seconded the motion. The votes were as follows: AYES: Alcalay, Griffin, Macedo, Morgan, Staajabu, Starks, Wedding NOES: None ABSENT: Creswell, Johnson, Nunley (one vacancy) ABSTAIN: None Chair Macedo asked members to vote for either Commissioner Griffin or Commissioner Wedding for Vice-Chair. By a 6-1 vote, Commissioner Griffin was elected Vice-Chair for 2019. Voting results are outlined below. ALCALAY Wedding___________ MORGAN ______Griffin_____ CRESWELL ABSENT_____________ NUNLEY ______ABSENT______ GRIFFIN Griffin___________ STAAJABU ______Griffin_____ JOHNSON ABSENT__________ STARKS ______Griffin______ MACEDO Griffin________ WEDDING ______Griffin______ PRESENTATION 10. Review of Policies Related to Media Relations and Commissioner Conduct/Duty of Loyalty Angela Jones and David Levin presented the item. Jefferey Tardaguilla provided comments. Staff was directed to solicit additional input from the Commission and bring back a final draft of the policy for review and approval. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT Executive Director La Shelle Dozier reviewed the following: * Next meeting will be on February 20th * Habitat for Humanity event on March 9th * Federal Government shut-down update. COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT No report. ITEMS AND QUESTIONS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Griffin complemented Chair Macedo on her work as the Chair in 2018. Commissioner Wedding asked additional questions about the shutdown to which staff responded. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to be conducted, Chair Macedo adjourned the meeting at 7:44 pm. ___________________________ Clerk 1