MINUTES Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission (SHRC) Meeting of April 18, 2018 Meeting noticed on April 13, 2018 ROLL CALL The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Macedo MEMBERS PRESENT: Alcalay, Griffin, Johnson, Macedo, Morgan, Starks, Wedding MEMBERS ABSENT: Creswell, Simas, Staajabu, (one vacancy) STAFF PRESENT: La Shelle Dozier, David Levin, Vickie Smith, Lira Goff, James Shields, Tyrone R. Williams, Sarah O ‘Daniel, LaTanna Jones, Christine Weichert, Bern Wikhammer, Terren Wing APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Approved as submitted. CITIZENS COMMENTS Ireana Price, Mac Worthy, and Joe Debbs (representative from Senator Pan) provided comments related to the condition of the unit occupied by Ms. Price. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – April 4, 2018 minutes were approved with edits from Chair Macedo. DISCUSSION/BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Release Of Existing Affordable Housing Agreement, Affordable Housing Plan And Affordable Housing Regulatory Agreement, And Approval Of An Affordable Housing Strategy And Affordable Housing Regulatory Agreement For The Victoria Park Residential Project Terren Wing presented the item. Commissioner Alcalay motioned to approve the staff recommendation in the report. Commissioner Morgan seconded the motion. The votes were as follows: AYES: Alcalay, Griffin, Johnson, Macedo, Morgan, Starks, Wedding NOES: None ABSENT: Creswell, Simas, Staajabu ABSTAIN: None 2. Approve The Assignment Of The Exclusive Right To Negotiate Agreement For Property Located At 510 N. 12th Street Between Carson/Craig Partnership and Sacramento Housing And Redevelopment Agency To Sacramento Housing Authority Repositioning Program, Inc. Bern Wikhammer presented the item. Commissioner Johnson motioned to approve the staff recommendation in the report. Commissioner Griffin seconded the motion. The votes were as follows: AYES: Alcalay, Griffin, Johnson, Macedo, Morgan, Starks, Wedding NOES: None ABSENT: Creswell, Simas, Staajabu ABSTAIN: None SPECIAL PRESENTATION 3. Twin Rivers Development - Infrastructure Financing Overview Tyrone Williams presented the item. Mac Worthy provided public comment. DISCUSSION/BUSINESS ITEMS 4. Approval to change procedures and/or amend Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission By-Laws to use Rosenberg’s Rules of Order to conduct meetings Vickie Smith presented the item. Mac Worthy provided comment. Commissioner Griffin motioned to approve the proposed amendment to the bylaws to adopt Rosenberg’s Rules of Order. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The votes were as follows: AYES: Alcalay, Griffin, Johnson, Macedo, Morgan, Starks, Wedding NOES: None ABSENT: Creswell, Simas, Staajabu ABSTAIN: None EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT La Shelle Dozier reviewed the following: * Next meeting is on May 2, 2018 * Bellview Ribbon Cutting will be on Thursday, April 26, 2018. At 11:00 am. * Commissioner Painter has resigned from the Commission. COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT Chair Macedo announced that an Executive Committee Meeting would be held on Monday, May 7th, 2018. At the last meeting they reviewed the bylaws and discussed areas that potentially could be changed. ITEMS AND QUESTIONS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Morgan noted that the Commissioners had received copies of the latest newsletter from the Resident Advisory Board. Commissioner Alcalay commented on the website and about some proposed edits that he discussed with staff. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to be conducted, Chair Macedo adjourned the meeting at 7:15 pm. ___________________________ Clerk 1