MINUTES Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission (SHRC) Meeting of April 4, 2018 Meeting noticed on March 30, 2018 ROLL CALL The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Chair Macedo MEMBERS PRESENT: Alcalay, Creswell, Griffin, Macedo, Morgan, Staajabu, Starks, Wedding MEMBERS ABSENT: Johnson, Painter, Simas, STAFF PRESENT: La Shelle Dozier, David Levin, James Shields, Tyrone R. Williams, Sarah O ‘Daniel, Mark Hamilton, Lira Goff, LaTanna Jones, Sarah O ‘Daniel, MaryLiz Paulson, Michael Taylor, Susan Veazey APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Approved as submitted. CITIZENS COMMENTS None APPROVAL OF MINUTES – March 7, 2018 minutes were approved as submitted. INFORMATIONAL PRESENTATIONS 1. Twin Rivers Update LaTanna Jones, Housing Authority Assistant Director, presented the item. The following individuals also provided information and comments: * Sean Kerr from Overland Pacific and Cutler, LLC provided information regarding the relocation process. * Isaac Dozier from Urban Strategies provided information on services being provided to participants. * Michael Taylor, SHRA Program Manager, provided information on the demolition process. * Three residents from Twin Rivers, Aliana McKnight, Lam Yuen and Decoe Gilmore, provided comments regarding the project. Commissioner Griffin requested that information regarding the presentation be provided in advance of the meeting. He also asked that the Agency be aware of resident’s dust abatement needs during the project. Commissioner Creswell asked that the Agency be aware of the impact of noise and construction on residents. Commissioner Starks recommended that the Agency take advantage of community partnerships. Chair Macedo requested a document giving facts and statistics regarding the demolition. 2. Small Area Fair Market Rents for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program MaryLiz Paulson presented the item. 3. Overview of Rosenberg’s Rules of Order The item was tabled and will be agenized at the next meeting. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT La Shelle Dozier reviewed the following: * Next meeting is on April 18, 2018 * Bellview Ribbon Cutting will be on Thursday, April 26, 2018. At 11:00 am. * SHRA will be featured on KVIE Studio Sacramento on Friday, April 6, 2018 at 7:30 pm. COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT Chair Macedo announced that an Executive Committee Meeting would be held on Monday, April 9, 2018. Commissioner Creswell reported out on the last Executive Committee Meeting. The committee: 1. Made a recommendation to adopt Rosenberg’s Rules 2. Discussed amending the By-Laws to effect current conditions 3. Discussed Commissioner Training Interests ITEMS AND QUESTIONS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Stajaabu requested that the KVIE Studio Sacramento video be posted on the website so that those without television could watch it. Chair Macedo requested that a soft copy of all presentations be distributed to the Commission, and that Commissioners be provided a handout with any presentation that included numbers or robust content. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to be conducted, Chair Macedo adjourned the meeting at 8:07 pm. ___________________________ Clerk 1