MINUTES Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission (SHRC) Meeting February 3, 2016 Meeting noticed on January 29, 2016 ROLL CALL The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Creswell. A quorum of members was present. MEMBERS PRESENT: Alcalay, Creswell, Griffin, Johnson, Macedo, Morgan, Painter, Raab, Rios, Simas, Staajabu MEMBERS ABSENT: Rios STAFF PRESENT: La Shelle Dozier, David Levin, Vickie Smith, Tyrone R. Williams, MaryLiz Paulson, Sarah Thomas, Christine Weichert APPROVAL OF AGENDA – agenda approved as submitted CITIZENS COMMENTS - none 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 3, 2016 meeting minutes were approved as submitted. BUSINESS ITEMS 2. Authorization and acceptance of Jobs Plus Pilot Program Grant Karen Wallace presented the item. Commissioner Alcalay requested a quarterly report on the progress of this grant. On a motion by Commissioner Morgan, seconded by Commissioner Raab the Commission recommended approval of the staff recommendation for the items listed above. The votes were as follows AYES: Alcalay, Creswell, Griffin, Johnson, Macedo, Morgan, Painter, Raab, Simas, Staajabu NOES: none ABSTAIN: none ABSENT: Rios PRESENTATION 3. Presentation for outgoing Chair Mel Griffin Chair Creswell presented Mel Griffin with an appreciation plaque for his service during 2015. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT The Executive Director reviewed the following: 1) The next meeting will be March 2 2016 2) Welcomed new commissioner Dana Simas 3) Event held to celebrate Old Florintown streetscape 4) Angela Jones reviewed SHRA’s current social media efforts 5) Staff previewed a video completed by interns profiling an individual who obtained housing through SHRA’s ESG program. 6) LaShelle reviewed a list of proposed commission educational topics for 2016. COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT Chair Creswell thanked the group for their support and thanked staff for the social media efforts and the video presentation. She requested that the plan for the former RDA properties and the Redevelopment Oversight Board be added to the list of 2016 Educational topics. ITEMS AND QUESTIONS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Alcalay invited members and attendees to the screening of a video related to the MLK celebration on Friday February 5th at 4pm at Mesa Verde High school. Commissioner Griffin thanked staff and members for their support during 2015. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to be conducted, Chair Creswell adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. ________________________ Clerk