1. SYNOPSIS Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission (SHRC) January 18, 2012 ROLL CALL The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Gale Morgan. PRESENT: Fowler, Gore, Johnson, Le Duc, Morton, Morgan, Rosa, Shah, Stivers ABSENT: Alcalay, Chan STAFF PRESENT: Vickie Smith, Tia Patterson, LaShelle Dozier, Nick Chhotu, Chris Pahule, Karen Wallace, Christine Weichert, Brad Satterwhite, Patrick Bohner APPROVAL OF AGENDA The Chair announced that items 3 and 4 would be presented and approved together. 1. APPROVAL OF ACTION SUMMARY SYNOPSIS Action Summary Synopsis for December 7, 2011 was approved. 2. CITIZEN COMMENTS None PUBLIC HEARING 3. Removal of a United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Declaration of Trust on Real Property Located at North B Street and Bannon Street* BUSINESS 4. Declaration of Surplus Property; Approval of the Disposition of Certain County Housing Authority Non-Dwelling Real Property Located At 0 North B Street and Bannon Street to the City Of Sacramento Brad Satterwhite, Housing Authority Analyst, presented the item. Commissioner LeDuc asked for a more detailed explanation of the Declaration of Trust which staff provided. Tia Boatman Patterson announced that the wording on the resolution be changed from “accidentally placed” to “inadvertently recorded”. Staff indicated that this change would be made. The Commission recommended closing the public hearing and approval of the staff recommendation for the items listed above. The votes were as follows: AYES: Fowler, Gore, Johnson, Le Duc, Morgan, Morton, Rosa, Shah, Stivers NOES: none ABSENT: Alcalay, Chan 5. Approval of an Application for the Disposition of Housing Authority Owned Properties located at 4052 Weymouth Lane, 4225 Weymouth Lane, and 7512 Franklin Boulevard, #1, Sacramento, CA Nick Chhotu, Assistant Director, presented the item. The Commission recommended closing the public hearing and approval of the staff recommendation for the items listed above. The votes were as follows: AYES: Fowler, Gore, Johnson, Le Duc, Morgan, Morton, Rosa, Shah, Stivers NOES: none ABSENT: Alcalay, Chan 6. Approval of Update to Agency Schedule of Fees and Charges Karen Wallace, Regional Manager, presented the item. The Commission recommended closing the public hearing and approval of the staff recommendation for the items listed above. The votes were as follows: AYES: Fowler, Gore, Johnson, Le Duc, Morgan, Morton, Rosa, Shah, Stivers NOES: none ABSENT: Alcalay, Chan . ELECTION OF SACRAMENTO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OFFICERS FOR 2012 Mark Stivers nominated Josh Rosa to serve as chair during 2012 and Cyril Shah to serve as vice-chair for 2012. The nomination was approved unanimously. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT LaShelle Dozier, Executive Director, gave the report which included a review of the current situation with redevelopment. ITEMS AND QUESTIONS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS None ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to be conducted, Chair Morgan adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m. ________________________ AGENCY CLERK SHRC Synopsis January 18, 2012 2 1