1. MINUTES Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission (SHRC) Regular Meeting September 3, 2014 Meeting noticed on August 28, 2014 ROLL CALL The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Alcalay. A quorum of members was present. MEMBERS PRESENT: Alcalay, Chan, Creswell, Macedo, Morgan, Morton, Raab MEMBERS ABSENT: Griffin, Johnson, Stivers (one vacancy) STAFF PRESENT: Vickie Smith, La Shelle Dozier, Don Cavier, David Levin, Christine Weichert, Tyrone Williams, MaryLiz Paulson, Jim Shields, Sarah Thomas, Monique Pierre APPROVAL OF AGENDA The Agenda was approved as submitted. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. August 6, 2014 minutes were approved unanimously as amended. Chair Alcalay abstained. CITIZENS COMMENTS Sammi Fernandez commented about issues at Clauss Court. BUSINESS ITEM 2. Election of SHRA Commission Vice Chair Chair Alcalay nominated Commissioner Griffin to serve as Commission Vice-Chair. Commissioner Morton seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING 3. Public Housing Agency Five-Year Action Plan and 2015 Annual Plan for the Housing Authority of the City of Sacramento and the Housing Authority of the County of Sacramento; Submission of PHA Five-Year and 2015 Annual Plan to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); Certificates of Compliance Chair Alcalay opened and closed the public hearing. Sarah Ropelato from Legal Services and Sammi Fernandez spoke during public comment. Commissioner Morgan recommended that staff make documents such as this available to the commission at the beginning of the public comment period. Commissioner Cresswell recommended that this be brought back for a more thorough review by the commission. Executive Director LaShelle Dozier suggested that staff hold an executive session prior to the regular meeting on September17th to review the document. WORKSHOP/INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 4. SHRA Budget Workshop – Development Development Director Tyrone Williams presented the items. 5. Review/Discussion of Housing Partnership document Staff reviewed the Housing Partnership document with Commission. Chair Alcalay suggested that an Ad Hoc committee be formed to work on Commission advocacy projects. Commissioner Cresswell, Macedo, Alcalay and Raab volunteered to be part of this committee. Commissioner Cresswell will serve as Chair. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT LaShelle Dozier announced the following: * Next meeting will be September 17th * HCV Waitlist to be open 9-15 * Bing Kong Tong Building event on 9-16 COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT Chair Alcalay requested. * Report back about media plan * More frequent communication about letters from HUD and others. * Suggested a beautification project for the commission and staff. ITEMS AND QUESTIONS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Chan asked if Meals on Wheels was still funded by SHRA. Staff indicated that it is still being funded. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to be conducted, Chair Alcalay adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. ________________________ AGENCY CLERK SHRC Minutes September 3, 2014 2 1