1. MINUTES Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission (SHRC) Regular Meeting January 21, 2015 Meeting noticed on January 16, 2015 ROLL CALL The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Alcalay. A quorum of members was present. MEMBERS PRESENT: Alcalay, Chan, Creswell, Griffin, Johnson, Morgan, Morton, Raab MEMBERS ABSENT: Johnson (two vacancies) STAFF PRESENT: Vickie Smith, LaShelle Dozier, David Levin, Christine Weichert, Lira Goff, Tashica McIntyre, MaryLiz Paulson, Jim Shields, Mike Taylor, Sarah Thomas, Tanya Tran, Anne Nicholls, Tyrone Williams, Kyle Flood APPROVAL OF AGENDA Items 5 and 6 would be heard and approved together. Otherwise the Agenda was approved as submitted. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. December 10, 2014 minutes were approved as submitted. CITIZENS COMMENTS 2. none CONSENT 3. Authorization to Return the Rental Assistance Administration of Two Continuum of Care Programs to Transitional Living and Community Support Inc. (TLCS Inc.) – City 4. Authorization to Return the Rental Assistance Administration of Two Continuum of Care Programs to Transitional Living and Community Support Inc. (TLCS Inc.) – County The Commission recommended approval of the staff recommendation for the item listed above. The votes were as follows AYES: Alcalay, Chan, Creswell, Griffin, Macedo, Morton, Raab NOES: none ABSTAIN: none ABSENT: Johnson Not present to vote: Morgan BUSINESS 5. Authorize Application For A Choice Neighborhood Grant For The Twin Rivers/River District-Railyards Initiative - CITY 6. Authorize Application For A Choice Neighborhood Grant For The Twin Rivers/River District-Railyards Initiative - COUNTY Kyle Flood presented the items. Patty Kleinknecht of the River District association presented the item. The Commission recommended approval of the staff recommendation for the item listed above. The votes were as follows AYES: Alcalay, Chan, Creswell, Griffin, Macedo, Morgan, Morton, Raab NOES: none ABSTAIN: none ABSENT: Johnson 7. Tax Equity And Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Hearing And Approval Of A Loan Commitment For The Anton Arcade Apartments Project Christine Weichert presented the item. Rachel Green of St. Anton Partners provided comment. Commissioners Creswell and Raab stated that they would like the project to target lower income residents. The Commission recommended approval of the staff recommendation for the item listed above. The votes were as follows AYES: Alcalay, Chan, Griffin, Macedo, Morgan, Morton NOES: Creswell, Raab ABSTAIN: none ABSENT: Johnson 8. Approval of Contract and Budget Amendment for Installation of new Vehicle Gate at Riverview Plaza The Commission recommended approval of the staff recommendation for the item listed above. The votes were as follows AYES: Alcalay, Chan, Creswell, Griffin, Macedo, Morgan, Morton, Raab NOES: none ABSTAIN: none ABSENT: Johnson 9. Election of SHRC Chair/Vice-Chair for 2015 Chair Alcalay nominated Commissioner Griffin to serve as Chair and Commissioner Creswell to serve as Vice-Chair during 2015. Commissioner Morton seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. PRESENTATION 10. Certificate of appreciation for outgoing Commissioner Bill Chan Chair Alcalay presented a certificate to Commissioner Chan and thanked him for his service. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT LaShelle Dozier reviewed the following: * February 4th meeting is cancelled – next meeting will be on February 18th * Thanked outgoing Commissioner Chan for his excellent service. * Visit from HUD Economic resiliency director – showed them Choice Neighborhood application area. * Update on security at 600 I Street/Riverview Plaza * Update on SHRA performance audit. * Two events – 1) Farm to Fork event at Phoenix Park on Jan. 28th and 2) 75th Anniversary of the Housing authority – event to be held in July. COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT Chair Alcalay made comments as follows: * Thanked staff for their participation at the MLK Celebration dinner. * Thanked the group for their support during his term as chair. ITEMS AND QUESTIONS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Morton requested that staff pay attention to security issues at 630 I Street as well at those at 600 I Street. Commissioner Macedo commented that she noticed an issue at another complex and would follow up with staff after the meeting. Commissioner Alcalay commented that issues similar to those at 600 I Street should be solved at a lower level in the future. Commissioner Alcalay asked if there was information about Councilmember Hansen’s recent trip to Los Angeles. LaShelle Dozier indicated that he was visiting Pueblo del Sol which was developed by McCormick Baron who is the selected developer for Marina Vista and Alder Grove. Commissioner Creswell asked if there was any follow up on the issue of landlords opting out of the HCV program as recently reported in the Sacramento Bee. LaShelle Dozier indicated that it appears that this is not a significant issue in Sacramento as families continue to lease up with their vouchers and the utilization rate is still high. In addition, new landlords continue to join the program on a monthly basis. Commissioner Creswell was also interested in learning the average time it takes a voucher holder to move in to a unit. Sarah Thomas indicated that on average the family is able to find a unit within the allocated 60-day time period. However, veterans often require additional time- they are already given 120 days to find a unit but are also granted time extensions. Commissioner Griffin asked about the screening for Section 8 tenants. LaShelle Dozier indicated that a criminal background check is done and that staff are also assigned to anonymously investigate complaints as they arise. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to be conducted, Chair Alcalay adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m. ________________________ AGENCY CLERK SHRC Minutes January 21, 2015 4 1