MINUTES Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission (SHRC) Meeting October 5, 2016 Meeting noticed on September 30, 2016 ROLL CALL The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Commission meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Creswell. A quorum of members was present. MEMBERS PRESENT: Creswell, Griffin, Johnson, Raab, Macedo, Morgan, Simas, Staajabu MEMBERS ABSENT: Alcalay, Painter, Rios STAFF PRESENT: La Shelle Dozier, David Levin, Vickie Smith, Geoffrey Ross, Tyrone Williams, James Shields, Christine Weichert, MaryLiz Paulson, Sarah Thomas, Cecette Hawkins, Angela Hall, Greg Potts APPROVAL OF AGENDA – The Chair announced that items 3 and 4 would be presented and approved together. CITIZENS COMMENTS – none 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – September 21, 2016 meeting - The meeting minutes were approved unanimously as submitted. INFORMATIONAL PRESENTATION 2. Railyards Specific Plan Amendment Related to the Mixed Income Housing Strategy Richard Rich from the City of Sacramento and Frank Meyers from Downtown Railyard Ventures presented the item. Daryl Rutherford from the Sacramento Housing Alliance spoke in opposition to this item. PUBLIC HEARING 3. Adoption of the 2017 One-Year Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Funded Projects and Programs; Amendment of Prior Year Action Plans; Authorization to Extend the Consolidated Plan and Analysis of Impediments (AI); Authorization to Enter into a Collaboration Agreement with Municipalities and Housing Authorities to Bid and Award an Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Contract; Amendment of the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) Budget; and Related Actions and Findings – City report 4. Adoption of the 2017 One-Year Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Funded Projects and Programs; Amendment of Prior Year Action Plans; Authorization to Extend the Consolidated Plan and Analysis of Impediments (AI); Authorization to Enter into a Collaboration Agreement with Municipalities and Housing Authorities to Bid and Award an Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Contract; Amendment of the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) Budget; and Related Actions and Findings - County report Geoffrey Ross presented the items. On a motion by Commissioner Morgan, seconded by Commissioner Griffin, the Commission recommended approval of the staff recommendation for the items listed above. The votes were as follows: AYES: Creswell, Griffin, Johnson, Raab, Macedo, Morgan, Simas, Staajabu NOES: None ABSENT: Alcalay, Painter, Rios BUSINESS/DISCUSSION ITEMS 5. Approval Of Exclusive Right To Negotiate Agreement With Carson/Craig Partnership For Property Located At 510 N. 12th Street, Sacramento, CA Geoffrey Ross presented the item. On a motion by Commissioner Morgan, seconded by Commissioner Griffin, the Commission recommended approval of the staff recommendation for the items listed above. The votes were as follows: AYES: Creswell, Griffin, Johnson, Raab, Macedo, Morgan, Simas, Staajabu NOES: None ABSENT: Alcalay, Painter, Rios 6. Updated Agency and Housing Authority Maintenance Schedule of Fees and Charges Cecette Hawkins presented the item. On a motion by Commissioner Griffin, seconded by Commissioner Macedo, the Commission recommended approval of the staff recommendation for the items listed above. The votes were as follows: AYES: Creswell, Griffin, Johnson, Raab, Macedo, Morgan, Simas, Staajabu NOES: None ABSENT: Alcalay, Painter, Rios WORKSHOP 7. SHRA Budget Workshop – Housing Authority Sarah Thomas and MaryLiz Paulson presented the item. Gale Morgan recommended that preference points for former foster youth applicants be considered in the next PHA plan. ITEMS AND QUESTIONS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS none EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT The Executive Director reviewed the following: 1. The next meeting is scheduled for October 19, 2016 at 6:00 pm. 2. Upcoming events October 15th - Walk for Literacy October 28th - Anton Arcade grand opening November 3rd - Alder Grove Clinic grand opening COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT Chair Creswell indicated that she plans to contact staff in the near future about setting up an engagement committee meeting. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to be conducted, Chair Creswell adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. ________________________ Clerk 1